What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation we experience every day. It happens when reading, watching TV, falling asleep, waking up, or deeply concentrating. It boosts focus and creativity, bringing deep relaxation and an overall sense of calm and contentment.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is about using specific techniques when you’re in a super-relaxed and focused state to make positive changes.

What makes a successful hypnotherapy session?

Achieving success in hypnotherapy requires a strong commitment to personal growth, facing life’s challenges with courage, having a genuine desire for change, being honest with yourself, and staying open to learning and emotional growth.

How can you achieve lasting results through hypnotherapy?

Changes vary per person and can occur in one or multiple sessions. They range from subtle improvements to complete issue resolution. We target the root cause, helping you identify and heal core limiting beliefs, often linked to childhood experiences, for mental and emotional peace. 

What Does Hypnosis Achieve?

Hypnosis calms the conscious mind, promoting relaxation and focus. During hypnosis, individuals can experience:

  • Deep self-knowledge and wisdom.

  • Calm, peace and clarity

  • Breaking free from negative thought patterns.

  • Embracing positive perspectives, hope, and forgiveness.

  • Reinterpreting past memories in a supportive context.

What does hypnosis feel like?

Entering hypnosis brings a deep relaxation, similar to waking up in the morning. Your body is in a sleep-like state while your mind stays aware. You might feel pleasantly heavy during hypnosis. Physiologically, it’s like falling asleep, with a slowed heart rate and breathing. After hypnosis, you’ll feel deeply relaxed, akin to the calm after a full-body massage, with low stress and a centered feeling.

Each person’s journey is unique, influenced by personal circumstances, learning style, life experiences, personality, and history. As your coach, I’ll assess these factors to find the optimal number of sessions for your transformation goals. For a risk-free start, we offer a lower-cost, no-strings-attached session at a discounted rate. Afterward, we can collaborate to determine the sessions that best suit your needs.

No, we do not offer in-person sessions. Our online approach ensures that you can comfortably experience your sessions from the convenience of your home. After a session, you have the freedom to relax without the need to travel from our office to your next destination. We believe this online setup offers the optimal environment for your transformational journey.

Hypnotherapy sessions are typically not covered by OHIP or private insurance plans and are considered an out-of-pocket expense. Some insurance companies may provide coverage for hypnotherapy under extended health benefits with a doctor’s note, but this varies by provider. We recommend checking with your insurance company to determine if such coverage is available.

Individual coaching and hypnotherapy sessions are priced at $260 per session. Additionally, we offer coaching packages at a discounted rate of $250 per session, which includes a workbook and valuable bonuses, such as access to a private Facebook group, accountability support, and a range of helpful PDFs and challenges.

Hypnosis and meditation both access a similar state of mind, yet they differ in intention. In meditation, the goal is often mental clarity and thoughtlessness, while hypnosis harnesses this state’s power for specific transformational purposes.

In hypnosis, you’ll experience a relaxed state, similar to having your eyes closed. You’ll also enjoy a deeper state of relaxation that involves vivid visualizations. You’ll remain aware of your surroundings and maintain control at all times during the session. Your subconscious mind is there to protect you.

The conscious mind engages in everyday thinking, self-reflection, and logical reasoning based on past experiences. It tends to adhere to what we perceive as “real” and “possible.” However, when it relaxes, our realm of possibilities expands as analytical functions subside, allowing the subconscious to take over. This relaxed state opens our minds to explore new and creative ideas beyond conventional constraints.

The subconscious mind operates quietly in the background, storing memories, feelings, and beliefs without judgment. During childhood, it acts like a sponge, absorbing information without analyzing or questioning. This lack of analysis is why childhood experiences can significantly impact adult emotions and thoughts, leading to the development of beliefs, such as feeling unworthy or unloved, based on early experiences.

Talk therapy helps you understand your past, giving insights and empowerment. Hypnotherapy goes deeper into your subconscious, changing how you see experiences by reshaping emotions and beliefs. It’s like talk therapy trims branches, while hypnotherapy rewires roots for a more impactful change.

Your ability to transform through hypnotherapy isn’t just about how deep you go. It depends on your motivation, trust in the hypnotherapist, and past experiences with hypnosis or meditation. Comfort and rapport with the hypnotherapist, along with openness and resolving preconceived ideas about hypnosis, also matter. People differ in their natural ability to shift states, influencing the depth they reach in hypnosis. Remember, the depth isn’t the only factor; you can still experience significant transformation.

Not at all. The majority of the work can be accomplished in a light hypnotic state, where you actively engage and emerge fully aware of the process. Lighter states are often preferred for our work, though deep trance can be beneficial in certain situations. It’s important to dispel preconceived notions, as hypnotherapy is distinct from stage hypnosis shows.

Those stage shows where the hypnotist gets people to bark like a dog or quack like a duck are purely for entertainment. They showcase the power of hypnosis to create amusing and unexpected behaviors when the conscious mind is temporarily set aside. It’s important to note that this is quite distinct from clinical hypnosis, which is a serious therapeutic practice focused on cooperation and agreement with the client. In therapeutic sessions, clients typically maintain awareness and can recall what happens, unlike the amnesic experiences sometimes induced in deep stages of entertainment-focused hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy can work well independently, but its combination with coaching and counseling is a powerful synergy. Insights gained in talk therapy can be effectively integrated into the deeper, emotional levels of the mind during hypnotherapy sessions. The two complement each other, creating a comprehensive and impactful approach to personal growth and transformation. It’s like unlocking the potential of the mind on multiple levels. 

While research on this topic is limited, our observations suggest that clients on psychopharmaceuticals may sometimes experience reduced visualization and emotional connection to memories and imagery. Since hypnotherapy relies on these abilities, there can be occasional interference with the success of the therapy. However, it’s not a universal rule. Many clients on prescription anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications have still achieved powerful insights and breakthroughs. Each person and drug combination is unique, so if you have concerns, feel free to ask.

Think of hypnsois as being guided through a visualization. There are no power dynamics, as you predominantly generate the content for your own experience and transformation.